Do We Care Enough?
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Do we care enough?

The elections are over but the fight is on. The winning team from different states are bargaining for the best money laundering portfolio in the goverment, better benefits (for themselves) and the best seat in the parliment. The average Indian who has pinned his hopes on the candiate he voted for can now close his eyes and go back to sleep. The media and newspapers are abuzz with news about how our so called Leaders are fighting not for a national cause, not even for the betterment of our lives but for personal reasons.

I have not come across any leader gloryfying his qualifications or experience or expertise while canvassing for a coveted position in the parliment. Is running the government not just another job to be done with just as much fervour and sincerity that we do our jobs? Perhaps not... But most importantly how much do we care about this? We will wait for things to calm down and then get used to whoever may be running our country for us. Come elections, we will look forward to yet another interesting episode of fraud, unexpected losers and worthless winners.
