What keeps a man faithful?
Many women wonder why their man orex-man cheated on them, especially when they put their heart and soul into arelationship just to feel empty and alone in the end. It turn, it makes themask that infamous question, “What keeps a man faithful?” To answer thatquestion… a man keeps a man faithful.
A very good friend of mine was datingthis guy and she was totally dedicated to this man. No matter what she decided,she put him and his feelings first; her life revolved around him. She wasalways considerate and treated him like a king. She gave her all and expectedthe same in return. In the end, she got nothing in return but a broken heartand a massive headache. Not only did he cheat on her with another woman, hecheated on her with several different women. She called me on the phone andasked “why?” “Why can’t men be faithful?” “What can I do to keep a manfaithful? What am I doing wrong?” The biggest mistake a woman can make is toblame herself when her man goes astray.
Physiologically, she starts to feelthat it was her fault and thinks of things that she feel she could’ve donedifferently. Now, she just justified and accepted the error in his ways. To putit bluntly, no matter how good a woman is to a man, no matter how well shetakes care of a man, a man is still going to do what a man is going to do.
Only a man can keep a man faithful,not a woman and her ways. A man must posses certain traits to be faithful. But,before he can ever be concerned with these traits, he must respect a woman andthen respect himself. A man must have integrity, loyalty, and courage. Not onlymust he posses these traits, but he must also apply these traits as well.
A man with integrity is a truthfulman. First, he knows he must be truthful to himself before he can be truthfulto anyone else. He will be truthful in ways of relationships and he knows whathe wants out of a relationship and what he’s willing to give. If a man isunsure, one should allow him his space so he can seek integrity and learntruth.
A man with loyalty is a man who isfaithful. He will stick by his woman’s side through thick and thin; he iscommitted to the relationship until end. He will never forsake her in any way.No matter how bad it gets, he will never go astray. If a man is withoutloyalty, one should allow him his space so he can become faithful and develoployalty.
Most importantly, a man with courageis a man who has it all. Courage takes a male from boyhood to manhood and giveshim manliness. A man with courage will apply these traits as well as others inorder to make a relationship work. A man without courage is not a man; he is aboy waiting to become a man. One should allow him his space and let him growand become a man.
Some men just don’t posses thesetraits. Not to say they never will. They will when and if they want. The samegoes for a man who has these traits and more but don’t apply them. When a manposses and apply all of these traits to a relationship, only then will hebecome faithful. Bottom line… only a man can keep a man faithful.