What Are Climate Change Acronyms?
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What are Climate change acronyms?

Project Manager

BAM: Border Adjustment Mechanism. It refers to any attempt by a country to impose special import taxes on products from states which do not have laws on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, so that rival producers in the home country are not put at a disadvantage. France is actively campaigning to have them in place, despite objections that they smack of protectionism.

MEF: Major Economies Forum on Climate and Energy was launched by US President George Bush in 2007 in a bid to show that the US was taking some action on climate change. It has since become a key forum for talks between the world's biggest polluters. SIDS: Small Island Developing State. Low-lying states such as the Maldives and Fiji are seen as being especially at risk from climate change, both because they are poor and because sea levels are expected to rise as global warming worsens.

QUELRO: Quantified Emission Limitation and Reduction Obligation - in plain English, a promise made by a country to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by a set amount. QUELROs can be divided more specifically between promises by developed states to reduce their current emission levels (QUEROs) and promises by developing countries to limit their emissions growth (QUELOs).

AAUs: Assigned Amount Units - a way of counting national emissions created by the Kyoto Protocol of 1997. Under Kyoto, countries which cut their emissions by more than the amount defined in the Protocol could sell excess AAUs to countries which missed their Kyoto target, thereby saving the latter from having to pay a penalty. They are controversial because Russia and Ukraine saved so many AAUs with the collapse of their Soviet-era industries that they are now in a position to flood the world mkt.

NAMA: Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action is a government project to reduce emissions by harnessing local resources such as, for example, sun, wind or wave power. NAPA: NAPA is a National Adaptation Programme of Action - in other words, a country's plan for adapting to the consequences of global warming by, for example, creating irrigation schemes or flood defences.
