Will India "One" Again---A Question Left Unanswered
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Will India "one" again---A question left unanswered

Executive,Sales Support
Let me start off by introducing myself, I am Sujitha.R from Bangalore currently working in Pune, Maharashtra. Well my friends in Pune know me only as Sujitha Iyer b'cos you actually cannot survive in "North India" if you do not have a surname! The first thing people here need to know if the family I belong to, based on the surname they will guess if I am a Hindu,Muslim or Christian and the level of friendship they need to maintain.Apart from the lingual difference people notice in me, there are many other parts of my life which people in North find me peculiar..hmm for instance ,having idli - sambar seems to be a sin here. I still do not understand the basis with which people segregate themselves here, does the language we use to communicate with each other prioritize the fact that I am from Southern part of India famously known as South Indians.Well actually I am neither a Hindu from South Indian nor a Muslim from North India , I am “just” Sujitha from India. Nothing more than this .If given a chance I will not educate my daughter/son regarding the caste/religion he belongs to, all he will know is that he is an Indian, in still a broader perspective a HUMAN.

Since all are my friends here I do not take any of these teasing personally, but deep down I wonder what exactly constitutes an Indian...the Culture we showcase or the Religious riots we portray.

Life seems to be tough for an Indian migrating from one state to another. You go to Karnataka and you simply do not find people talking in Hindi with you, even if they know to communicate in that language.Go to Tamil Nadu and the story remains the same.You move up north…people find it difficult to talk back in English, because according to them you need to know Hindi - Rashtra Bhasha. Ufff… shall we all put a full stop to it and start using sign language so that there is no differentiation among us?

Raj Thackery should realize atleast now that when the NSG and Army Commandos came forward to save the people of Mumbai during the Terror Attacks, Bihari’s did not filter out stating that they will not help mumbaikars…will Raj Thackrey have an answer for this behavior or is he still going to create more political dramas .

As I write down these I still realize with pain that no matter how many letter we publish and blogs we write to educate the public, at the end, it all depends on the citizens of INDIA to realize that there are many things life has to offer apart from caste and creed and that we can make India a better place to live if we all are united and stay as one big happy family.
