Greatest Food Myths Busted!
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Greatest food myths busted!

Fat calories make you fat, protein calories make you lean
A calorie is a calorie, is a calorie. However, portions of fat are denser in calories than portions of protein. One gram of protein equals four calories. But one gram of fat equals nine calories. So it’s easier to get fat eating fatty foods than by eating lean protein.

Don’t eat dairy products if you’re trying to lose weight
Low-fat dairy gives value for money, nutritionally. As long as you’re not lactose intolerant, low-fat dairy is fine. Studies show that women who get most of their daily calcium from dairy foods, actually lose weight and body fat over two years.
You can munch on as many low-fat snacks as you want and still lose weight
Many low fat foods compensate for lost flavour with additional sugar. Hence, the difference in calories between low-fat and normal-fat snacks is often minimal.

If you’re eating a salad, you’re safe
A salad may seems like your smartest friend — but it may not be. To the average dieter, it’s as if putting anything on a bed of lettuce negates its calories. But take a closer look. Is it smothered in oily dressing? Are the greens and tomatoes merely a vehicle for chicken, blue cheese and bacon?

Eating lettuce burns calories
Ditto for grapefruit and celery. If we ate nothing but lettuce, grapefruit and celery, we would lose weight. But, we would also be very sick, because there would be no protein or fat in our diet.

Sugar shams
Obesity is the result of eating too much sugar
In fact, sugar and fat are both responsible for it. The common reason for obesity is too much food and not enough exercise.

Don’t eat bananas, grapes, carrots or beets, they have high sugar content
That’s ridiculous. A banana has 18 gms of sugar, a half-cup of grapes about 7 gms and both are between 70 and 110 calories per serving. Half a cup of carrots has only 5 gms of sugar, the same amount of beets has 4.5 gms and both are between 25 and 35 calories. They have good quantities of fibre, carotenoids, potassium and folate as well.
