Writing SMART Goals (also called KRAs) from Job Descriptions
Many Managers (Including HR managers responsible for writing others Goals) often ask to help them on
creating Goals (Key Responsibility Areas) for different designations,
which they can use for setting Goals and/or conducting performance
appraisals. While most of these managers are completely aware of their
job profile, they find it difficult to shape it in a written form.

Knowing your Goals and writing them effectively is an all-together different game. To describe your Goals (KRAs) you need to have effective writing skills and sound knowledge of terminology. Unfortunately, some executives/ managers may not have a flair for writing and thus unable to write their Goals (KRAs). This is true for HR also. So here are some tips that will help Talent Junction users to write Goals (KRAs) from the Job Descriptions.
SMART: A Smart Goal (KRA) is one which is:
- Specific : Clearly stated what to do and how to do?
- Measurable: States how the performance for this goal will be measured.
- Achievable: It can be achieved by employees if they work really hard (You can draw this conclusion by talking to employee, manager or someone who has done this job successfully).
- Relevant: The KRA (Goal) is relevant to the job and the performance on this goal will improve productivity of the employee.
- Time Frame: States a time frame to achieve the goals.
How to WRITE SMART Goals (KRAs)?
Here are the steps how anyone can write Goals (KRAs) from Job Descriptions:
- Go through employee’s Job Description. If Job Description is not updated talk to employee and his/her Manager or many be manager’s manager also.
- Try to find out exactly what the employee is supposed to achieve.
- Based on your reading and discussions, make a list of the functions and responsibilities which are critical to the employee’s job.
- Categorize these critical functions and responsibilities in two categories:
- A : Which can be measured whether in numbers or percentages or yes/no.
- B : Which cannot be measured in numbers and cannot be calculated.
- ‘A’s are the one which can be be converted to Goals (KRAs).
- Make a list of all critical functions.
- Write a self explanatory (1 sentence ) definition of each Goal (KRA).
- If you plan to follow BSC (Balanced Score Card) Pattern, then categorize each goal into one of the following categories: Customer, Financial, Internal Business Process, Learning and Growth.
- There after describe each Goal (KRA). Make sure you mention a measurable target to be achieved and time frame for achievement of the Goal (KRA).
An Example
I picked up job description of a Sales Manager in a company and here are the functions mentioned in the JD.