Bold Tags
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Bold tags

Founder CrossWorksDGTL
In the following example I have applied bold for the word "greater"
1. I have closed the tag
2. I left it open

1. Bold tag applied properly

Ok when you write an HTML tag, you should use less than and greater than symbol like this <> Inside that you have to write the command.
For example if you want to make a text bold b is the command we use in HTML so we will put b inside the angle brackets like this <b> then we will write the text which has to be in bold. To close the command we will use / directly following the less-than sign

2. Bold tag left open

Ok when you write an HTML tag, you should use less than and greater than symbol like this <> Inside that you have to write the command.
For example if you want to make a text bold b is the command we use in HTML so we will put b inside the angle brackets like this <b> then we will write the text which has to be in bold. To close the command we will use / directly following the less-than sign