Tips To Improve Eyesight
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Tips to improve eyesight

Managing Editor
Do Surya namaste for approximately 1 min in the morning during sun rise. Watch sun in the morning when sun is coming out for a minute only. 

Wash your eyes clearly about 2 to 3 times with clean water. It will keep eye clean and wash dirt if any within eyes.

Do massage slowly with cream surrounding your eyes which will facilitate to flow blood smoothly within the vein of your eyes.

Do eye exercise rotating your eyelid and watch closely anythings surrounding you. Also try to see things which are kept in a distance. It works as focal length, that means, suppose a tree is standing in a distance of 100 meter, watch a particular portion of that tree and try to count how many leaf are there. 

Eat green vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes etc. regularly. Also try to to take a lemon in a day. The acidic juice will improve gums and very effective for teeth. It can cure pyorrhea. 

Do physical exercise and meditation minimum 15 min. in a day. Perform yoga asana at least 5 to 10 minutes daily. These practices will help you a lot to improve your eye-sight. 

Also if anyone want to loose weight and reduce fat should perform heavy physical exercise i.e. 30 min. to 1 hr. in a day regularly. Jogging and running is very effective to reduce fat of your body. Meditation for 5 min in a day keep a person mentally fit. 
