The Happiness Of Giving
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The Happiness of Giving

Owner at ServoSell
Myleripalayam Village: I am eagerly waiting for August 2009. It has been 5 years since I left the village. The memoirs haunt me day in and out. A feeling of guilt just gushed through my nerves. I have only taken away and never given anything in return to this village where I belong.  

Last night I received a call from Prof. Bhaskar, the person who is responsible for what I am today. A tall stout guy with big time gastric troubles, I still carry the feeling of embarrassments when he just farted in public. Hey hang on: It’s no crime anyways and he keeps doing it often. So please avoid giggling and weird smiles on your face. He has grown older by now and looks like his 50-year-old body would have stopped cooperating with him even more. He should be farting in public more often by now, that’s what I assume. His son is giving his matriculations this year. Long time yeah. I have seen him as a kid and now I am trying to imagine all the possible looks that he would carry by now. Will I be able to recognize his son? I am not sure. But of course Prof. Bhaskar’s image keeps coming in my imaginations often and a conversation with him is mandate in a periodic fashion. 

Prof. Bhaskar is directly or directly responsible for the advancement of the educational institution that he has been serving for the last 10 years now. He has branded it in a big way and some how a feeling of pride runs through me because I have been lucky enough to be a part of what he have done. He used to plan out activities and I was his key man to finish his plans to execution. Yes I did my MBA from this part of the world, The Myleripalayam village and I owe a lot back. 

Last nights call was not one of its usual kinds. He wanted me to visit the institution for a guest lecture. He said: The fresh set of MBA students where to join in August. He wanted me to be the first one to give a guest lecture on Marketing to these fresh minds. I was overwhelmed with joy specially I am young and wanted to grab this opportunity. I have always wanted to do it and this time around the opportunity is just a month away. I happily agreed and the very feeling of giving back to the society immerses me in the ocean of happiness.    

I am eagerly waiting for August 2009. 

This blog is just a token of gratitude towards all my teachers. I am obliged to them for a lifetime. 