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Providing: Housing for all human as a birth right; is the prime duty of the architects/ architectural institutions that must be empowered universally into an autonomous body to meet this requirement, independently. The local sub-agencies must be answerable and penalized for all the malpractices that have penetrated which must be eliminated / uprooted for non-conformity/ failure to meet the basic necessities of man’s respectful survival honorably.

     All the governments, municipalities, development agencies have been bundled up and have hooked this prime fundamental issue under the corrupt, insufficiently-qualified capitalists, self-centered opportunists, parasitic, land & money launderers, gamblers, causing fictitious inflations to deprive the law abiding citizens/ common man's most basic of all fundamental needs. 


     Similarly as described in the "call for the social forum of architecture", must be matters that must resolve in the most constructive of ways: formulating laws; floating rules and regulations; monitoring all the world corrupt agencies; and must be brought to the degree of answering as to what made them not provide these rights to the common man the world over.

     Unless matters of such importance are not resolved in principles the essence of this noble profession and the very purpose of it will never be accomplished. 

     The curses of mankind so far as 'architecture' is concerned shall be on the “heads" of every architect in the world.

     The responsibility of preventing the world from rotting; lagging behind; unable to cope up with the dire needs of the masses shall ever rest on the shoulders of 'architects'; who in truth are liable for answering for the failures of such corrupt institutions: govt., capitalistic, private and all such failed agencies; who have neither the will, nor the qualification nor the ambition, nor the capability nor the vision of what the masses need and to satisfy them universally as a culture and tradition for eliminating all the miseries, and linked up unrest, deteriorated life conditions, stagnant growth, failure of economies, jobless masses, stagnation of  downfall of the world-powers, insights, wars, interclass riots, etc. ....

     In fact all the world’s cycle of peace and prosperity lies in the properly planning, managing, functioning of the institutions of “ARCHITECTURE” for housing of every individual human being as a birth right, that must be guaranteed; together with the related most fundamental of basic needs and necessities supported by the most affordable, economical communication and infrastructure of intelligently well planned ‘URBAN PLANNING’ together with ‘COUNTRY PLANNING’ and ‘INTERNATIONALLY SUSTAINABLE, ECOLOGICALLY BALANCED’ supported or “UNIVERSALLY INTER-DEPENDENT’ for a Peaceful, Prosperous, Progressive SOCIALLY, ECONOMICALLY… ever excelling mankind.
