Insight : Tree & Human
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Insight : Tree & Human

Business Analyst - Pre Sales

Few days back I saw a painting, a beautiful picture of a tree hanging with the saying : "A human being is as powerful as a tree as long as he/she has the courage to live his/her own dream."

This inspired me to write something on this. Courage to live and courage to stand for the dreams and aspiration, the phrase book defines insight as the skill to see and know clearly the inner nature of things, especially by intuition. Intuition is defined as the ability to know something without the use of reasoning. It’s when I know something just because I know. There’s no other valid clarification.

Having an insight is the process of having a true creative thought, right in the moment and gloriously uncolored by the past. Most beliefs are linear, come through our rational mind, and are limited. Having a flash of insight is more akin to the “aha” process, those ticklish bursts that seem to come from another source, inspiring and enlivening us.

I imagine we have your own means for accessing great insight, self- trust and wisdom. Maybe someone close his or her eyes, or spend time in nature or put on a beautiful piece of music or journal. Certainly trust that.

So now the question is how is should I have more fruitful insights and how can I practically make this insight development a practice for my betterment here are few I am jotting down for you all

Believe anything is possible and look for evidence to support this belief.
Practice getting still to connect with the quiet place within yourself.
Learn to ask simple, yet profound questions that will lead you home to your heart.
Listen for the answers and trust that they are coming from a very wise place.
See with new eyes; hear with new ears and experience fresh ways of thinking.
Let your intuition guide you to act on what you know.
Every day, generously be of service to others.
Feel the riches and abundance of life by recognizing everything as a gift.

Also introspect that When was the last time I did tuning in and listening to your heart?

One quote I love is from Henry David Thoreau: “Go confidently in the direction of your insights. Live the life you have imagined.”

Cheers !!
