Drama of democracy Over, Trade Of Time Passers begins
Drama of democracy gets over today and will lead to trading of time passers, which seems have already begun. Against all kind of predictions of political pundits, this election has been proven the most exciting, interesting and entertaining of all time.
Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and Narendra Mody have been excellent performer in the lead role. Supporting roles were perfectly portrait by L K Advani, Sonia Gandhi and Man Mohan Singh. Full credit goes to Mulayam Singh and Amar Singh for bringing painstaking excitement to this drama. This time responsibility of bringing the tragedy was on the shoulder of Lalu Prasad Yadav as well as Prakash Karat.
Emotions were brought by Karunanidhi, Mayavati and Varun Gandhi and role of betrayal was perfected by Navin Patnayak. Indian show never missed on Action, which here to, was brought by the loyal workers of political parties. All in all, thoroughly refreshing comedy show was played over a period of one and half month time.

Director of the drama Mr Navin Chavla will announce the awards on 16th of May, which will fall curtail on this drama and real business will get under way. Viewers (read voters) and people of entertainment channels (read news channels) must be very disappointed, since they get the chance to see such a power pack drama once in 5 years. This may be the reason; viewers opined their views in a fashion that they get to see the same kind of show every year. All credit goes to world’s one of the highly intelligent people, the Indian people.
Indian politics is all about opportunities. This is the reason opportunists are well placed in this election and will remain in demand even after the results will be announced. Not only smaller or regional parties are playing politics of power, even national political parties are not at all lagging behind. Congress is always rated highest, when it’s come to trade of parliament members.
The incumbent Prime Minister has been lucky to have his name in Indian history now forever, but not for his economical skills, surely for his political slavery. Man Mohan Singh, the economics couldn’t stimulate the Indian economy, has been done by the Man Mohan Singh, the politician. The flow of illegal money – poured by politicians in this election - was stupendous that made the economy rolling till some extent. Million Dollar question remains unanswered till date. Will he be able to prove himself the one and only able care taker of the chair, believed to be naturally belongs to Rahul Gandhi? Answer lies in 16th May.
Rahul Gandhi, Priyanka Gandhi and Narendra Mody have been excellent performer in the lead role. Supporting roles were perfectly portrait by L K Advani, Sonia Gandhi and Man Mohan Singh. Full credit goes to Mulayam Singh and Amar Singh for bringing painstaking excitement to this drama. This time responsibility of bringing the tragedy was on the shoulder of Lalu Prasad Yadav as well as Prakash Karat.
Emotions were brought by Karunanidhi, Mayavati and Varun Gandhi and role of betrayal was perfected by Navin Patnayak. Indian show never missed on Action, which here to, was brought by the loyal workers of political parties. All in all, thoroughly refreshing comedy show was played over a period of one and half month time.

Director of the drama Mr Navin Chavla will announce the awards on 16th of May, which will fall curtail on this drama and real business will get under way. Viewers (read voters) and people of entertainment channels (read news channels) must be very disappointed, since they get the chance to see such a power pack drama once in 5 years. This may be the reason; viewers opined their views in a fashion that they get to see the same kind of show every year. All credit goes to world’s one of the highly intelligent people, the Indian people.
Indian politics is all about opportunities. This is the reason opportunists are well placed in this election and will remain in demand even after the results will be announced. Not only smaller or regional parties are playing politics of power, even national political parties are not at all lagging behind. Congress is always rated highest, when it’s come to trade of parliament members.
The incumbent Prime Minister has been lucky to have his name in Indian history now forever, but not for his economical skills, surely for his political slavery. Man Mohan Singh, the economics couldn’t stimulate the Indian economy, has been done by the Man Mohan Singh, the politician. The flow of illegal money – poured by politicians in this election - was stupendous that made the economy rolling till some extent. Million Dollar question remains unanswered till date. Will he be able to prove himself the one and only able care taker of the chair, believed to be naturally belongs to Rahul Gandhi? Answer lies in 16th May.