How To Make Life Beautiful
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how to make life beautiful

Lecturer in English
See interview of Atma Prakash Nayak

Failures and pains in life often made me sit silently and made me think how to make life beautiful. Any thought in that direction readily invokes some age-old unchangeable principles of humanity. I knew them to be repetition of old wisdom but they show their glittering faces whenever the gloom of a vanquished life pervades the mind. I have jotted the thoughts as it appeared during some moments of troubled musings

 Be specific in what you say. Nobody has time to listen to exaggerations. If you do not have specific points then do not beat about the bush. Remain silent.

 Be courteous and respect the people you come in contact with. Good behavior and respect to others will never go unrewarded.

 Be honest in all occasion. Help others whole-heartedly. It is the shortest distance to others’ heart.

 Everyday think about living meaningfully. Utilize your time and talents sincerely in achieving excellence in your respective fields.

 Be humorous and at the same time maintain your dignity. A sense of self respect is essential for higher values to blossom.

 The expressions of thoughtfulness and self-poise are the hallmarks of being influential. People judge your worth by your attitude. People who are very talkative are viewed lightly. So never talk unnecessarily. Most people think that by talking glibly they display their knowledge and wisdom and in turn they can influence others but this notion most often proves to be wrong. Listen to others; gather sufficient information & other viewpoints before giving your opinions. Analyze the facts and logically reveal your own understanding. Never argue because human intelligence is not immune to errors.

 Be trustworthy. To be trusted is the greatest compliment you can earn for yourself. Never break other’s trust in you.

 Keep your words. Commitment is an ingredient to be great.

 Love all because love can transform you into a human magnet. Your words, attitude, service and presence will become magical to others. And life will become a song of inward happiness.
