Moving Towards Positivity
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Moving towards positivity

Lecturer in English
See interview of Atma Prakash Nayak

Bringing our thinking process to nobler and more positive direction is always aspired for but this seemingly easy task can not be attained all of a sudden. The mind has to be lead inch by inch in the desired direction. A conscious effort is an essential factor for realizing this goal. Mind tends to be lazy and floats with the previously accustomed thought-flow. Such usual and habitual thinking processes set the human faculty languish in a limited sphere. The meaning of life is narrowed to few routine bound activities and as a result the higher aspects of life remain undiscovered and untapped. Most often most of the human beings love to remain as they are. But life is the name of change and our resistance to the unchangeable natural law of change will not set us free from it. However, man can redirect his resistive potency to work upon facilitating his march towards a conscious evolution. Good thoughts release higher powers. Tapping the creativity of human intelligence eliminates ennui and emptiness of life which has become a characteristic mark of modern man. Our complacency and utter lazyness keep us revolving in a vicious circle directionless. To overcome such a habitative monotonous state a launching force has to be mustered and this accumulation of potency is best done by constant association with noble thoughts with creative edge to make life beautiful.
