HBO Apps For IPad Coming Soon , IPad 3, IPod Touch 5 Need 4G More Than Ever
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HBO apps for iPad coming soon , iPad 3, iPod touch 5 need 4G more than ever

A colleague wants to know why Bright House Networks is lagging on the apps-for-the-iPad front.

He explains: “HBO and Cinemax have apps for the iPad that allow people to watch programming on demand. If I, as an HBO subscriber with an iPad and an Internet connection, want to watch ‘Boardwalk Empire,’ I should be able to watch on the tablet. But to call up content on the apps, your cable company apparently needs to permit it. Bright House does not. Why not?”

Bright House spokesman Donald Forbes told me: “What I can tell you is HBO Go and MAX Go are coming to Bright House Networks. Our valued customers will soon be able to authenticate through Bright House Networks so they can enjoy all that HBO and Cinemax have to offer on mobile devices.”

How soon is soon? “All I can say at this point is soon … hopefully very soon,” Forbes said.

Pervasive public wifi, far from the dream once envisioned, never came to pass. Here in 2011, wifi is still something which exists at home and in coffee shops, with relatively few other instances in between. It’s why the iPod touch 5, if there is to be one, must include a 3G or 4G mobile networking option. And it’s why the iPad 2 and upcoming iPad 3 are a mistaken purchase if the 3G option is bypassed. At least these were my beliefs heading into a recent chat with a friend as we discussed the future of the iPod lineup. The conversation left me feeling like I should step back and make sure my stance on wifi and mobile networks really is what I think it is.

First I examined the places in which I can find wifi. My home: check. Most coffee shops: check. Hotels: yes and no, considering their notorious unreliability. Other people’s houses: sometimes, as I have multiple relatives who don’t have home wifi and I’ve visited friends who couldn’t tell me their own home wifi password because they’d autosaved it into their computer long ago. Then I began logging the places in which I can’t find wifi…

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Tagcloud: Wifi in 2011, HBO apps, iPad app , cool ipad 2 cases , accessory ipad,  iPad 3, iPod touch 5
