Theory of 'Big Bang'

This show how the -ve masses revolve around the cobine +ve mass in thhe space
This is the field or the effect of the +ve & -ve masses
This +ve or -ve mass have some effect & create the disturbence in the perfect 0 of the space. The space try to become 0 so it try to recombine the indipendently existing both type of alternating masses. this property of any kind of meterial to resist variations is termed as inertia.
Due to it the highly denser combine +ve mass become a very highly dencer body called black hole & due to very high dencity its disturbence is very high due to its high disturbence the -ve mass tends to fall in it and +ve mass start revolving around the black hole
It is the disturbence create by highly denser +ve & -ve masses
This show how +ve mass revolve around the black hole & how -ve mass fall in the black hole
If we considere two alternating & equal masses ie +ve & -ve masses which origenate or recombine to form zero
let we take +ve mass as 'm'
& we considure -ve mass as 'm.i'
where i-considure as imagenary no ie iotea & its value is under root (-1)
The +ve & -ve masses m & mi resp these masses are combine & form a system whose effect
is shown by '\!/' which is perpotional to (m+ mi)
ie \!/=m+mi
as \!/ is the system of two alternating masses so there is existence of an other effect '\!/*'
which is conjugate of effect or field (\!/) so the effect is
As we know these masses are very dencer & due to the property of inertia of perfect zero theses masses are converted into a more dencer bopdy called 'Black Hole', & its total masae is equivalent to the both effect (\!/,\!/*) . So it is shown as :
\!/.\!/* = (m+mi).(m-mi)
= m2
= m2
= 2m2
oOo = 2m2
where oOo - represent 'Black Hole'
That is why the 'Black Hole' is considure most havier body of the universe because of the huge amount of disturbence create by the 'Black Hole'.