Arora's theory of 'Bigening'
The story of the birth of the "Universe":

# Black colour implies -ve mass
On the bases of this thepry he has to explain the ring of the black hole, he says that the poisitive mass have inough energy to prevent from falling inside the black hole & the nagative mass do not have inough energy so it fall in the black hole.

Arora hypothisis
If we assume that the process of formation of two alternating +ve or -ve mass from zero & recombine again to form zero. this process is also occure before the birth of the universe now then at any instent if two +ve masses collide with each other the colision is held is perfectoly inelastic there for these 2 masses joinewith each other and rotate around its exis & two -ve masses are tends to revolve around the combined +ve mass like the electrone revolve around the necules in an atom. due to obtain of 2 alternating masses exist indipendentely there is a disturbence creat in the universe & the disturbence create is symitrical along either dimention (at present time we term it as the field of a perticular body, for anetural or simple mass in the universe we termed it as E.M.field)
These +ve or -ve mass has their indipendent effect whish we tarmed as charge & they cause a disturbence indipendently which we termed as electric field.
As we all know that every body has tendency to avoide changes in since we termed as 'inertia' due to this property universe tends to become again perfect zero. & the -ve mass is try to joine with combine +ve mass to become zero. So a force is act on the -ve mass towards the center of the +ve mass body (which we also termed as cenripitel forsein present time)
Asumption I:- these masses or bodies are highly dencer.
So when the inword forse is act on the+ve mass its size become smaller & its density tends to increase & a contineous forse is acting on it which terns this highly denser body to a quantem 'Black hole' as we alrady discuss about the property of the black holl that -ve mass fals inside the black hole but the effect of that -ve mass ie there which we tarmed as electrone and +ve mass tends to revolve around the black hole & form a ring as the -ve mass contineusly enter fall in the black hole so the size of black hole start decreasing and there is a huge explosion take place that is "Big Bang" and due to this explosion the disturbence is create at a very high extend we termed these type of disturbence as waves at present time & we generaly called it E.M.waves.
Due to this explosion the process of formation of 2 alternating masses from zero & than again recombine to form zero is disturbed. Due to the disturbence the +ve particals start vibrating perpendicular or parellel to the direction of explosionie ie. the direction along which the effect of explosion is seperading or the direction of expendinding universe ie. out word direction, &the -ve mass started traveling or vibrating along the center of explosion.
The disturbence create is of to type:
I- is perpendicular disterbence ie. the partical vibrate perpendicular to the direction of the explosion.
II- is parallel disturbence ie. partical vibrate parallely.
On the bases of it we says there is nearly 2 types of waves:
# lomgitudional waves
# Teansverse waves
