Business blogs
Guruprasad V
Indian business community and general public got stunned when
Mr.Ramalinga Raju of Satyam fame confessed hi
Disha Ghosh
The World Bank on Sunday said it plans to publish in the future the
names of
all companies it bans from do
Gitika Roy
Deepak Parekh,
Kiran Karnik and C Achuthan aren't exactly the three musketeers, but
In the days after January 7, while following media coverage of the
debacle, I observed a ge
Nilima Desai
Crude oil, from November 20 actually plunged 11 per cent, taking the
opposite direction to gold pr
Pankaj Das
Satya + Kam ..........but Truth is there Jan, 12 '09 Subject: Mine
expression, Viewed by: 9
How often do you think about generating more money and in this process
you go on looking for various option
Following the startling disclosures in the Satyam episode, people have
been questioning the role of law imp
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) - the regulatory
body for
CAs in the country - has
Deepali Rai
“NYSE regulation is currently evaluating
the news relating to Satyam and will continue to closely monito
Lead me from the Unreal to the real. This is the darkest hour in the
history of Corporate India.The shock
In 1991 Intel did something that changed the marketing world forever.
Realizing that as a microchip maker,
The Dream Team & People’s Nightmare
UPA Government is in its fifth year of governance and wi
Balu Anand
The liberalization
process that was started in the early 90’s and the
resultant opening
Companies From Across The Globe Are Now Coming Into India To Provide
Ready-To-Move Offices Because Of The G