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China started their family planning in 1970, while India started in 1952. In 2001, our birth rate wasnearly ...more>>
In recent years, there has been a change in the markets reliance on audited information and in the nature o ...more>>
The emerging trends in Information Technology sector have considerable relevance for countries like India ...more>>
Yes, I am talking about India Telecom 2008, a GOI organized event which is organized every year mostly in D ...more>>
Turmoil rocked Heaven this morning as allegations arose that God had an affair with a former worshipper. T ...more>>
Concept of Security lending Security is an asset or third party commitment accepted by the security taker ...more>>
Consider this piece of data that leads a new Forrester Research report (free registration r ...more>>
An Advertisement in leading dailies costs huge amount of money and it will be live only for hours. Ins ...more>>
Learn How to Make Money With YouTubeThere are so many ways to make money online that you may choose the on ...more>>
Quality living at no extra charge. That's what Wish Town Klassic stands for. Don't believe it. Who ...more>>
The recession has brought in unemployment . The ripple effect of the melt down has reached the shore of rea ...more>>
Being a non-economist trying to understand the complexity of economics, I guess I have certain advantages. ...more>>
Hi Just a bit of organisation tips ! Make a list of all your intended stops for the day and then p ...more>>
What is Innovation? Do the organizations really know the meaning of Innovation?What benefit it is going to ...more>>
I once wrote this great book that could have changed the history of the world as we know it today. Unfortun ...more>>
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