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We've all been in this situation. Somebody asks us to do him or her a favor and, though there are a gazilli ...more>>
ITES is a catchall term used for the myriad processes that any bureaucratic entity undertakes in servicing ...more>>
A worldwide food crisis that sent prices of wheat, rice and corn to a record high and sparked riots from H ...more>>
I'm often asked by people why I chose to get involved in Network Marketing. There are manyreasons why I cho ...more>>
I'm often asked by people why I chose to get involved in Network Marketing. There are manyreasons why I cho ...more>>
What are superbrandsDo every brand aspires to become a Superbrand? or is their something which is more bigg ...more>>
Like many other curious tourists, it was the thousand year old temple complex that drew me to ...more>>
I have no issue with having to pay for my eats on a plane. But the trend among the US airlines to make trav ...more>>
Down to Business: The Mind Set of The Indian IT Exec by Rob Preston at InformationWeek is an interesting o ...more>>
The Draft Reciprocal Common Transport Agreement notified by the governments of Delhi, Haryana, Uttar Prade ...more>>
The Indian workplace is fast becoming a battleground between good and evil. In this case, its not the good ...more>>
It is a unique phenomenon. I found it in Delhi for the first time. Then I found this phenomenon being repl ...more>>
Bogged down by rising prices? Get ready for the worst. Your employer is busy planning to trim your next in ...more>>
(In a lighter vein) Sting operations are nothing new to mosquitoes! They have been doing that for ages ...more>>
Have you ever given a second thought before taking photocopy, from office copier, of your son's school pr ...more>>
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