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How to Get rid of Acidity and Heartburn Naturally
Stress can be defined as one of the major deterioration of the situation. However, intake of high fat and spicy foods, refined and fiber foods, overeating, eating hastily, may further lift in your body's acidity levels, which is well known that excessive intake of caffeine, to help build the human body acid. Indentify acid levels for other reasons, may be due to pregnancy, aging, anxiety and obesity. During my pregnancy, I experienced the heartache. It was suggested that I eat and drink a lot of cooling food. Eating bananas, watermelon and cucumber provide immediate relief. On the other hand, changing the erratic meal times and bad eating habits to help prevent acid reflux. In any case, consult your doctor if symptoms persist.
Causes of Acidity
1. Common cause is insufficient consumption of water, food and poor eating habits improper chewing.
2. Eating too much spicy and junk food
3. in a bad mood or eating fast food
4. Smoking and excessive alcohol consumption
Symptoms of Acidity
1. Sour belching
2. Loss of appetite and interest in eating
3. Hiccups
4. Indigestion
5. Feeling of nausea
Treatment of Acidity
1. Try to identify the food, excess stomach acid can help. Spicy, salty and acidic foods should be avoided.
2. Should stop smoking and drinking, to maintain a harmonious level of acid the stomach and esophagus.
3. Avoid stress and adjust their lifestyle, including relaxation techniques can go a long way to prevent excess stomach acid and ulcers, especially if you are a tense and emotional person, or participate in a high-pressure work.
4. Avoid the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These drugs may make a person too much stomach acid.
5. Try to eat regular meals and follow healthy eating habits.
Home Remedies for Acidity
1. Drank 2 days, you can milk as much butter, acid curing, it is easy. This is a very beneficial home remedy homemade acidity.
2. Rice to eat tofu every day, at least once a day, keeps a distance from the acidity.
3. The daily work will be forever rid of acidity before drink raga (finger millet) in Java.
4. Drink a cup of instant relief acidity of Lassi.
5. When you have more acidity, drink 1-2 liters of warm water, with a little salt in the morning fasting, and try as much as possible vomiting. In the "end, you feel in the mouth, which means you throw acid sour, or you can drink a glass of water before brushing your teeth and try to take only after brushing.
Read more on Home Remedies for Acidity and Natural Remedies and Natural Treatments