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Which steps should be taken to get rid of Arthritis Naturally
Although the symptoms of osteoarthritis the cartilage in the joints, arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, and other forms of segmentation results can influence the onset of multiple organ autoimmune disease, and cause widespread symptoms. When a person in a number of arthritis known list of conditions, it becomes clear that "joint disease" in the general definition of arthritis in painting a clear picture. While most forms of arthritis, the exact cause is unknown, researchers continue to focus on genetic, environmental and lifestyle factors that may affect the symptoms of arthritis began to appear,.
Causes of Arthritis
1. Synovial of rheumatoid arthritis usually (this helps us smooth movement of joints) become inflamed and stiff when. Ballet, weightlifting, construction workers and dancers, often due to the joints in this professional high-strain victim of rheumatoid arthritis.
2. Osteoarthritis involving damage and wear and tear of the cartilage (which is elastic material that covers the end of each bone). The general age and genetics are major factors in breaking down cartilage. Doctors believe that almost everyone over the age of 60, suffering from osteoarthritis to some extent.
3. Gout is due to abnormal production of uric acid. When the body produces unusually large number of uric acid, which is deposited as needle-like crystals in the body is excreted through the urine, rather than the joints. Mobile joints, these crystals produce friction and severe pain.
Symptoms of Arthritis
1. Rheumatoid arthritis usually affects the small finger joints, wrists, knees and toes. However, the body's various joints of the potential targets.
2. Osteoarthritis can affect any joint, but usually occurs in the hips, knees, feet and spine.
3. The symptoms of gout usually occurs in the lower limbs and the first goal of the big toe. Pain can become so severe, and even the weight of socks or sheets can be unbearable.
Treatment for Arthritis
1. Alternate rest and during activity. Their own pace, in order to help protect your joints and pressure of repetitive tasks to help reduce fatigue. Learn how to use your joints, there is no undue pressure on them. Learn how to protect your joints.
2. Short-term pain relief for hot or cold joints, and help prepare movement.
3. Your primary care provider to ascertain the best over-the-counter or prescription medications may help ease the pain of arthritis and slow progress.
4. As always with your health care team, in close cooperation you find the best medication, diet and exercise program.
Home Remedies for Arthritis
1. Two teaspoons of lemon juice and a cup of warm water mixed a teaspoon of honey twice a day good for the treatment of arthritis.
2. Two teaspoons bathua leaf juice, taken daily for 2-3 months of fasting.
3. Half teaspoon of turmeric powder with warm water helps cure arthritis.
4. To alfalfa tea twice a day, so a good remedy.
5. Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar 2 teaspoons of honey dissolved in warm water taken once or twice a day to provide relief to a small glass.
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