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what causes and anemia and what are the Treatment of Anemia?
A variety of factors can cause anemia, blood loss, iron deficiency, poor diet, disease, drugs such as chemotherapy response, but a few. Treatment of anemia must first learn the medical reason. Anemia can be mild or severe, temporary or long-term. In the worst cases, anemia can create a body organ; can lead to heart attack severe hypoxia.
Causes of Anemia
1. Lack of iron in the diet is a common vegetarian and vegan, because the main food source is red meat.
2. Infants can develop iron deficiency, especially if they also premature. Storage iron is usually not complete until the final stages of pregnancy.
3. The body needs more iron, such as during pregnancy and childhood growth period, when a large number of cell division occurs.
Symptoms of Anemia
1. The initial symptoms will be tiredness and palpitations (awareness of heartbeat).
2. Shortness of breath and fainting (syncope) are also common.
3. If severe anemia, you may experience angina (chest pain), headache or leg pain (intermittent claudicating).
Treatment of Anemia
1. Eat foods such as lean red meat, fish, oysters, cereals, bread, noodles, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, lentils, beans and dark green vegetables such as spinach are rich in iron
2. Avoid drinking caffeinated beverages such as coffee or tea, because they make it difficult for the body to absorb iron.
3. Incorporated to include in your diet, such as orange juice vitamin C, fruit and vegetables
4. Adequate sleep and rest as much as possible to combat fatigue
5. Increase your iron supplements, such as folic acid and vitamin B12 intake, if you are pregnant, have a heavy menstrual cycle, or if you are a vegan or vegetarian
Home Remedies for Anemia
1. Apple - Apple and effective treatment of anemia. Apple's unique high iron content, should eat every day. It proved to be an awesome home remedy anemia. You can also try a mixture of a cup of apple juice, honey and a cup of sugar beet roots and also (according to your taste). Should be taken on a daily basis.
2. Beetroot - beet have a good iron and other minerals. Those suffering from anemia, a good amount to be taken in sugar beet, because it can increase the hemoglobin of red blood cells.
3. Cold water bath - that anemia should occur in cold water bath. It can best be taken 1-2 times a day. It is easy to anemia and helpful way.
4. Celery (Ajmoda) - celery is a good source of dietary iron, so it proves suspected anemia remedies. You can also juice with carrots, celery, because it effectively cure blood diseases.
5. Wormwood - Wormwood is the treatment of anemia dietitian provided. It is also known since years, because of its healthy performance.
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