Slum 'DOG' Or 'GOD'
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editricon Slum 'DOG' or 'GOD'

After the euphoric win at oscar night in Kodak studio in Los Angles , Indian entertainment industry went on the berserk to enjoy the cacophony of SLUM DOG eight Oscars. It is no mean a less achievement that too for a country like India where all kind of dualistic structure prevails in each and every spehere of people's life.

A R Rehman is a child prodigy in music like Sachin is in Cricket. Right from his inaugration in Indian film Industry he doled out his genious to the industry and always produced path breaking music which has always set a new benchmark for others to follow .

But what is so special about SLUM DOG that sudenly it won eight Oscars. we may recall that when India was on the path of globalisation and liberalisation world bodies have bestowed Mis Universe Award and Miss World award to our country so that we will be able to change our country's perception among the western countries. Our country was known as a land of snake charmers , cow dung and malnourished kids . Suddenly these beauty peasants has changed that perception.

Can we not smell such kind of management in winning oscars where again our poverty was celebrated and bestowed towards the world as a land of oppurtunity where poverty can be cashed in a recession ridden world .

We are in the phase of financial Tsunami where Tsunami started from land of dreams -- United start of America. Obama came as a fresh hope for the world where he eschewed inclusive growth for the third world countries. But if any one has followed American Presidency whether he is Republican or Democrat- he is compelled to follow the older rigime's international policy. It may be old wine in new bottle.

Osacrs to Indian screenpaly played by Britsih is a great eyewash. Beware of this new kind of imperialistic corporate propaganda. due regards to Rehman and team for commendable work. But we have to look at the larger design where Adam Smith's INVISIBLE HAND has always a role to play!

Is it a SLUM DOG or Now SLUM is GOD -- only GOD can answer!
