Small Changes Make Big Difference
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Small changes make big difference

Executive director of lifecentury &...



In the age of punishing work schedules working for long hours to meet the deadlines, your mind and body is becoming sluggish, your body feels uncomfortable and your energy levels are close to zero.

At times your body and mind becomes so mechanical that you live in a constant fear of breakdown.

 To top of it your doctor is warning about your raising cholesterol or expanding waistline?

These common concerns, which our lifestyles and hectic work culture has brought forth. In this grind we are abusing our body

No denying that we can do little to reduce the quantum of work but it is very much in our control to help our body to cope up with it and end up full of energy and vitality.

Broadly speaking reorganize your life-schedule and Create a balance of work life and wellness

Interested to know how, then read on:

Small changes make big difference


 Our body needs 6-8 hrs of undisturbed sleep per day. More so nothing can match a good night sleep. So reserve late night parties for the weekends only and not to say of late night e-mailing (do it early morning instead) and try to get up early. 

a)      Water the body- Start your day by having 2-3 glasses of Luke warm or room temperature water. This will help you to clean your bowels and flush your kidneys.

b)      Warm up for the day-Go out in the neighborhood park or your lawn and do 30 minutes of exercise (after completing your mailing), which can include further stretches, mobility exercise, and 20 minutes of aerobic exercise. Remember exercising in open will fill your lungs with pure oxygen, soothe your eyes (courtesy all that greenery) and freshen your mind. Forget to carry your mobile along and attend to the missed calls, if any, later.

c)      Pamper your body- Give a short 5 minutes oil or dry towel massage to your body before bathing if time permits and sprinkle your eyes with clean water while holding water in your mouth for a few seconds, repeating three times, to get your eyes and whole ENT apparatus cleansed of all the muck.

d)      Facing the grill- while at work take 5 minutes break at hourly intervals to stretch yourself and taking your eyes off the computer screens and doing a few rounds of deep breathing. Do devote exclusive time to eating while chewing your food properly and do not take the boardroom to the cafeteria. Drink water only after an hour of your meals though small sips with meals is ok). Stroll a while after your lunch (as well as dinner).

e)      Home sweet home- Relax in the comfort of your home and sweet company of your family after retiring for the day. Do  ‘Pranayam’ (deep breathing exercise) to relax tired body and nerves.

f)        Early dinner- an early dinner complements the active body and prevents gaining weight and induces better sleep. A glass of milk (No coffee please) at night further helps in a baby like sleep.

g)      Plan a picnic- your weekly getaways should preferably include outdoor excursions, games and fun and frolic with family and / or friends. This not only is gong to charge you for the week but will also strengthen relationships (Even business relations if you are interested only in that)
