Change Of The Name 'West Bengal'
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Change of the name 'West Bengal'

Chairperson Post Graduate Dept
What is in a name? Yes. A lot of concern is there in a name. If you call a person by his nickname and by his real name, the impact greatly varies. One Hari of Bengal went abroad and became Mr. Harry... just have the feel of difference. If you say , u are a  landord of  Gobardanga, nobody will notice. But if you say instead, u are a Lord of Cowdungshire, people will notice it, sure.

Recently , in the wave of change, Mamata devi has suggested a change of name for the state. West Bengal comes at the last in the alphabet order and in any meeting of the states the representatives of the state do not get any priority. After all , the 'w' letter comes last of all. All other states speak and West Begal gets the chance after all speakers. Secondly, there is the North Bengal. So we cannot logically call the state West Bengal. It is like a round peg in a squre whole.

But still the question remains if the change in name is all.
