Boy Who Lives Without The Small Intestine - Taken From DNA City Newspaper
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boy who lives without the small intestine - taken from DNA city newspaper

small intestine (SI) is as important as any other parts of the GI tract which helps in absorption and digestion of the foods. in such a case, can anyone stay without the SI? the answer would be 'yes'! according to a person who is living without the SI, and that person is Ramesh, a 17-year-old boy from Tamil Nadu

Ramesh is currently undergoing a treatment at the Church of South India(CSI) Hospital in Bengaluru for a rare disease - short bowel syndrome. Ramesh does not have SI. it was surgically removed and hence is on protein supplements everyday

in Dec 2008, ramesh complained about severe abdominal pain and the doctors at first thought that it was appendicitis. but while operating on him, they found gangrene in his SI and diagnosed that he was suffering from - superior mesentric artery (SMA)syndrome, a rare adn life threatning gastroenteritic disorder caused by the compression of the 3rd part of the duodenum

so far, ramesh's father who is a weaver, has spent 3 lakhs of rupees for the treatment. according to Dr. Sathyasheelan - assistant surgeon at CSI Hospital, there is only one option left before ramesh and that is the small bowel transplant for which would cost around 8-10 lakhs of rupees.

if anyone who is interested and willing to help ramesh, may contact CSI Hospital , Bengaluru - 08022861104
