Extravagance In CAG Organisation Unpardonable
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Extravagance in CAG organisation unpardonable

Apropos "CAG rebukes ONGC for 'unfruitful' expenditure' ET 6.8.10

Please refer to my blog "CAG's statement against corruption in public life is encouraging". Here I would not comment much on 'unfruitful expenditure' in the IA & AD.  I cite an small example asto how the official chamber of the Accountant General (A&E) Bihar Patna has got spruced up many times during the period from  2002 to 2010 at  very huge costs in sync with the aesthetic taste and liking of the AG Sahibs who "ruled, ravaged and enjoyed" their fiefdom recklessly during the period.

Only recently the chamber has again been needlessly renovated, refurnished, re adorned and reequipped with costly ornates, ante-room fixtures & fittings, ACs and other costly items of luxury which even the erstwhile native rulers would not have enjoyed what the 'dignified clerks' of today's India are enjoying at the cost of public money.The dazzle and razzle of the imperial surroundings will blind human eyes. I call upon the CVC to visit the chamber and assess the expenses which may be more than Rs. fifteen lakhs. And I am cocksure it is only a tip of the iceberg. More skeletons are bound to tumble out of the closet.

This is the saga of Central Civil Service people in an impoverished and malnourished country where half of the population goes without food for at least one time of the day.

There is no word to denounce the extravagance
