P.M Dont Yeild Ground To Pakistan
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P.M dont yeild ground to Pakistan

This is the third faux pas in a row in recent times that the country has been put to shame and ridicules by the P.M’s men (earlier the most damaging diplomatic blunder was to take the J&K issue to UNO and the plebicite by Nehru). Of course, there were serious mistakes on the part of Indian leadership like returning Lahore in 1965 war without permanent solution of J&K, allowing one lac captive Pak army men to go home without any concrete diplomatic-strategic benefits etc.

The recent gaffe started with Sharm-al-sheik summit when the P.M’s men allowed the issue of, unheard of so far; meddling in Baluchistan. Now this diplomatic slip has turned into exacerbating sore for India.

The second one was when india thoughtlessly engaged Pakistan at Secretaries level talks in Delhi “on terrorism only”. Pakistan won the game points by highlighting its pet theme while india remained flabbergasted.

And the third was to earmark a role for Saudi Arabia as a mediator (Tharoor calls ‘Interlocuter’) in Indo-Pak problems.

I am non-plussed if the centre is aiming at some other constituencies above the interest of the nation.

At no cost, beware, Pakistan must not have the last laugh from to-day onwards. Act tough, stop giving grounds to the rogue state.
