Admission Rush For Engineering Courses
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Admission Rush for Engineering Courses

After the AICTE’s decision to relax the eligibility criteria for admissions to engineering courses, about more than 155 candidates have submitted forms in the Nagpur division. The AICTE lowered the eligibility criteria to 45 per cent (40 per cent for reserved category candidates) aggregate in physics, chemistry and mathematics (PCM) group in class XII exam from 50 per cent last year.

Now, a candidate who scored about 135/300 (120/300 for SC/ST) is eligible to get admission for an engineering course. However, it took like a week for the AICTE to officially send the circular to the state Directorate of Technical Education (DTE). The state DTE had officially closed down the submission of forms for CAP on July 2 and stopped the process.

At that time, about 15,440 forms were submitted. Later on, the DTE released the provisional merit lists for the centralized admission process for autonomous institutes (CAPAI) along with the CAP schedule.

So, with this revised schedule, the online forms were submitted on July 8th 2011, which was the closing date of the form submission. The process for submission of online option for the first CAP Round began on July 19th 2011 while subsequent admission rounds will be conducted alternatively for CAPAI and CAP institutes between July 22 and September 7.

At the five autonomous institutes, the new academic year will start from 4th August 2011 and at the non-autonomous institutes, it will commence from 22nd August 2011. For all the different type of admissions, the cut-off date is 15th September 2011. In the MHT-CET, more than 2.54 lakh applicants appeared for the exam to get an engineering seat, and its minimum eligibility was just one mark out of 200.

Engineering Admission Schedule:

•    Form submission: July 6-8
•    Final merit list: July 11
•    Display of seat distribution: July 12
•    Submission of online option form: July 12-14
•    Provisional allotment: July 16
•    Submission of CAP Round II: July 26-28
•    Provisional allotment: July 30
•    Submission for CAP Round III: Aug 11-24
•    Submission for CAP Round IV: Aug 29-Sept 7
•    Commencement of new academic year: Aug 22
•    Cut-off date for all admissions: Sept 15
