Small Business Financial Stress.
Dear Friend's.
You can turn financial stress into business success by using good financial time and business management skills. By being realistic and applying the proper planning techniques you can take control of your business situation before it gets out of hand. Wisely manage your small business financial stress and watch your company thrive.
(A) Get the real picture. Know where your business really stands financially. Look at your assets, your liabilities, your profits and your debts. Create a budget so you can see where your money comes in and goes out. Once you see where your money is going, you can cut back where you need to in order to strengthen your financial situation.
(B) Re-evaluate your long- and short-term goals. Set realistic goals that are manageable within defined time frames. Your long-term goal defines where you want your company to be. Use your short-term goals to get you there step-by-step which in turn eliminates stress. Breaking it up into short-term goals alleviates stress, by allowing you to focus on tasks which are not so over-whelming in order to reach your long-term goal.
(C) Take a look at your staff. Make sure you have team players who will help turn a profit and not drain the company's time or finances. You may have to fire anyone who is causing the company problems, and costing you too much money and hire new staff. You may bring in more profits with a new player on board.
(D) Hire an expert. Get an accountant or a project manager to help you sort out your goals and finances out. An accountant can study your books with an un-biased eye and show you where you need to cut costs. Speak to a financial planner to see if you can increase your profits or investments.
(E) Educate yourself on money issues and find solutions to your financial troubles. Go to small business seminars and find out how other small business owners cope with financial stress.
(F) Market your business on a continuous basis. You need to ensure the business is still coming in even if you have a lot of customers. That way, you don't have a lapse in income. Plan ahead and the stress level will drop.
So Let's try the above, God willing it will strengthen your finiancial situation.
Thank You.
Francis Daniel (Bahrain).