Boosting Bone Health.
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Boosting Bone Health.


Boosting Bone Health.

Bone Health - BENEO-OraftiInadequate calcium intake can lead to chronic calcium deficiency and in later life, osteoporosis. In a world with an ageing population, this represents a sizeable health challenge. All the calcium we need for a healthy bone structure comes from our diet. However, only one third of ingested calcium is actually absorbed; the rest is excreted.

BENEO-Orafti has developed a new form of inulin enriched with oligofructose. Called Orafti®Synergy1, this ingredient has been proven to have superior efficiency in increasing calcium absorption and bone density.

This was demonstrated in a double-blind study led by US researchers. 100 adolescents were given either 8g Orafti®Synergy1 or an equivalent amount of placebo every day for a year. Calcium absorption and bone density were far higher in those who consumed Orafti®Synergy1. Indeed, at six-week and one-year interventions, calcium absorption had increased by 25%. After one year, Bone Mineral Density (BMD) was significantly higher. The researchers also measured Bone Mineral Content (BMC) and found that in the Orafti®Synergy1 group, bone calcium accretion increased by an extra 30mg per day; proof that the extra calcium was actually deposited in the bones.


Thank you.

Francis Daniel(Bahrain).
