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Control your thoughts
Most of our thoughts are negatives ones and no wonder why. When thoughts are negative in nature (thoughts of worry, anxiety, stress, lack, resentment, guilt etc) they produce resistance to the movement of your life, and this resistance is felt as suffering. Negative thoughts will always stand in resistance to the movement of your life, like blocks of stone in the midst of a swift current of water.The thoughts in your mind gain power from your attention and interest. Your attention is the fuel for your mind. So when you give attention to negative thoughts in the mind, you are unconsciously fueling it and thus attracting more momentum for these negative thoughts. The momentum of negative thoughts in your mind will slow down, and ebb away, automatically when you stop feeding your attention to it. Stay as an open space of awareness without contracting your attention on the negative thoughts of the mind, and soon they will lose their momentum.STOP what you are doing and catch your self thinking! If it a negative though wonder your self why this is happening! If there is no apparent reason (which is the most of the time) TURN your mind to a positive thinking! You will feel better soon! CONTROL your thoughts, do not be controlled by them!