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When Dream Directs...

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Entrepreneurship is neither confusing nor complicated as its pronounciation. Entrepreneurship was there in India much before Globalisation and even before the Great Industrial Revolution in Europe. In fact, human beings prospered because somebody, some day gave us its meaning and its formula.

The word entrepreneur originates from the French word, entreprendre, which means "to undertake".

On one hand, it is considered by many as a rocket science term and on the other hand, nowadays it’s being overused in B-Schools. Entrepreneurship is many a time used synonymously with small business. But there is a significant difference between the two. An entrepreneur brings in innovation in an existing business format and he takes big risks for the sake of his dream. Ethics also play a big part in his dream. So,society at large gets benefited from his venture.

Entrepreneurship brings a small change with a small idea, but brings big outcomes. It’s all about fitting your glasses in others eyes and making the world look better.

“An Entrepreneur gives a new direction to an existing way and thereby gives a new way to live.”
