Leucoderma Causes And Ayurvedic Treatment For White Patches
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Leucoderma Causes and Ayurvedic Treatment for White patches

Symptoms of Leucoderma
may include hair loss, premature aging of hair and white spots. The white spot usually appears as a small discolored white / pale or brown, which then spreads in size. The spots are whiter day after day and finally milky white.

There may be general weakness and fatigue, and a victim may have sensitivity to cold. Stains and scratches can be caused due to many causes, among them are the most common worm infection and / or calcium deficiencies. These stains can produce large amount of psychological stress on the victim.

For more information, visit himalayahomeremedies.com
Noteworthy is the fact that Leucoderma can not be caused by eating foods such as fish contrasting / onion milk. Foods rich in vitamin C, which was once thought that the disease process forward are no longer limited too. Several studies have demonstrated their beneficial role as antioxidants.

Read more on Home Remedies for Leucoderma and Cure for White Spots and Leucoderma

The general population is 1-2% risk to develop leucoderma. Given the Leucoderma is hereditary, we learn that children of parents where one or both Leucoderma are only a fraction of a greater risk than the general population.

Research shows that even without a family history for generations, even a normal person and environment is a risk of developing Leucoderma has. White spots do not always mean the ruin as a fraction of them could be the dreaded Leucoderma.
Despite the advanced research, medicine still trying to figure out the exact cause (let alone the most appropriate treatment!) From Leucoderma. There are various theories about what the disease, three of which are widely accepted cause.

The first theory is a case of mistaken identity. The immune system mistakes the pigment cells for foreign bodies and destroy them. The second theory suggests that certain chemicals to the cells to destroy pigment production, while the third theory suggests that the cells are destroyed by exposure to chemicals.

Home Remedies for Leucoderma
1. Take approximately 25 grams of ground and radish seeds them into a powdery substance. Add 2 teaspoons of vinegar and a thin paste. Apply this paste on the affected area and wash when dry.


2. In about eight gallons of water, enjoy saffron 500 g. Boil the mixture to one liter of what remains. Strain this liquid mustard oil and add ½ liter. Apply these rough times daily for at least 2-3 months.
3. Soak the seeds of Psoralea ginger juice for 3 days. Subsequently, drying and grinding to a fine powder. Does 1 gram of powder with a glass of milk for about a month. You can also use this powder in the white spots.
4. Another method is the Psoralea seeds and tamarind soaked in water for 3-4 days. Dry them well and mash to a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area on a daily basis.
5. Goosefoot plant is effective in treating white. Apply this vegetable juice in the affected area, once a day. Go for 2 months.
6. Mix red clay and ginger in equal parts. Bring on the affected area and wash when dry.
7. Fill a copper container with water and leave overnight. With this water on an empty stomach in the morning. This is effective in curing Caucasian.
8. Combine 100 g each of alfalfa and cucumber juice. Consuming the mixture twice a day, or in the morning and evening. This is a useful home remedy for treating Caucasian.
9. Take a handful of dried leaves of pomegranate and grind them into a fine powder. It has about 8 grams of this powder morning and evening with a glass of water.
