Our Media Is Getting Smarter
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editricon Our media is getting smarter

Game Producer/Designer at YesGnome, LLC.
See interview of Rajat Kumar

But it still ain’t the fastest gun in town.

Our media is getting smarter by deploying tools of the trade learned from the publicists, advertisers and political strategist of the west, since they have more on the job expertise than our fourth estate. This new wave, designed to assault the psyche is being unleashed on our unsuspecting public, who like a hopping hare lost in the merriment of visualizing a carrot, get entangled in the snare.

You are game and this is how you are being played

Disguise advertisements as news

Especially true of our print media, you might think what you are reading is news but it is a news piece directed at promoting a particular company. Earlier ad spreads were paid for by a company, which still happens, but today you read it as legitimate news. Subtle tactics, what they do is give exposure to something news worthy or a subject of daily importance. Starting strongly with a subject they get you excited or scared (depending on what is being written).

Now comes the part where they state the solution, you will have a company name that may have the answer to all your problems, all of this is in the news piece. Your mind is computing like mad to the problem highlighted and suddenly you find yourself at the doors of a company with the query, the company that was mentioned. Smart work!


Habit, if not resisted, soon becomes necessity.

- St. Augustine

If any point of view is repeatedly bombarded at you, any resistance is broken, no matter how much it repulsed you at first contact. Using this blitzkrieg, there is an attempt to change mainstream psyche, to make you think the way you are supposed to think i.e. the only purpose to be alive is to go on a shopping spree buying products you never need and paying for those consumer loans signed by you on impulsiveness. All of this is done at the sub-conscious level using subliminal advertising, which no longer is a guerilla tactic but a primary warhead.

“You scum of the earth” strategy

The best way to make someone do what they don’t wish to do is by labeling what they wish to do in a demeaning manner and show what they don’t want to do in a favorable light. This is called reframing, where you change the perspective on any given subject. It is a great tool if you use for self empowerment, but if you had been doing that, there was no need for this blog. Learn reframing and see how it used upon you by the not so innocent “we care for your” brigade.

Create celebrities of all who fail the IQ test

Do you get taken in by those teeny celebrities flashing (or is it braying) their smiles on TV, pretending to be epitome of Uber cool. Don’t fall for these gimmicks and ask your kid to set higher standards. Most of them are outright dumb and without the support of an army of workers behind the scenes, the only intelligent words they’d ever mumble would be the words they never spoke at all. Dumb and dumber make good celebrities; who can be shaped like a clay based on marketing research by powers that be, who truly are doing justice to the word ‘personality’ since they are working overtime to create it!

1 + 1 is still not 3

Many times to absolve themselves, the media repeatedly propounds that some things that they do may not be liked by you, but then “We are the guys who did that expose” and without us, the politicians would be licking delicacies of our fresh meat. True, but here is what I have to say.

If someone saved your life and three days later entered your house and kicked you and your family out in the cold, would you stay mum just because he saved your life?

…I am still waiting for the answer.
