Food And Massage To Help You Easily Create A Delicate Little Face
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Food and massage to help you easily create a delicate little face

We can have a delicate little face. Want to end the pie face of white-collar workers, let us together into the thin face plan today.Eating thin face articleNO. 1 apple lettuce saladIngredients: 2 apple, lettuce


1, yogurt in moderationProduction: 1 apple peeled, cut pieces; Wash lettuce and cut thick wire;2 apple and lettuce in a pan, stir in salad dressings or yogurt, delicious and healthy.Effect of thin face, lettuce and apple are rich in cellulose, can clean the waste in the body, at the same time also can reduce the face and the lower half of the water accumulation. With salad sauce or yogurt, nutritious and delicious.NO. 2 white gourd corn soupIngredients: 500 g carrot 1 root, white gourd, corn 1, 2 slices ginger, salt and monosodium glutamate right amountProduction: 1 peel carrots, wash, cut into parts, ground up, Wax gourd wash clean, cut thick blocks; Wash, cut into parts, ground up corn2 to boil water, the carrots, white gourd, corn, ginger, boil over low boil after 1 to 2 hours, dish up when salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning.Effect of thin face: strong drainage thin face, all face shapes. At the same time can be spent, thin face often feed is most suitable for summer
