Four Tensile Action Body Curve More Graceful To Lose Weight
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Four tensile action body curve more graceful to lose weight

Fitness will sweat more, as long as more exercise to make fat burning diet more effective, but high strength of aerobics or running after all the muscles of the body is in nervous condition, if this time stretching movements, too lazy to do so at the front half of the effort. Teach you four stretching motion reducing weight, let you at the same time in the burning fat more feminine curves.Action 1 side waist stretchZhang Kaifang sit cross-legged floor, one hand on the side, the other one hand over the head sticking ear joint body bends toward the same direction. Keep 10 seconds, in the opposite direction do it again.

2 leg stretching movementsHands on your sides hand, one leg unbend sole tensed up backward, forward the other leg bent knees, feet stand in. Pay attention to the back straight, head slightly up at the front floor. Keep 10 seconds, switch legs again.Movement 3 thigh stretchBow word step standing, both hands to the center of gravity down, her knees floor hind legs, feet stretched straight. Centre-backs back straight, hands raised his ears back. Keep 10 seconds, switch legs again.

Action 4 spinal twistSit cross-legged on the ground, left leg bent up across the right leg knee, ankle to the knee, upper body sit straight, his hands on your sides, the body began to turn from the pelvis. Right leg don't leave the ground, maintain the body's centre of gravity. Hold for 10 seconds, switch legs again.
