The Easiest Way To Lose Weight: Soak The Foot To Lose Weight
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The easiest way to lose weight: soak the foot to lose weight

Losing weight is a lot of women want to do, but what do you want to be a lot of time and lazy to do, what should do? Sought treatment below small make up to introduce one of the most easy way to lose weight, hope you satisfied with it.Soak the foot can also lose weight? It's absolutely true, with hot bubble foot can accelerate the blood circulation, improve the body's metabolism, improve the metabolism, as long as we control the diet, not overeating, bubble foot can help us consumption of fat in the body.A, bubble foot law reducing weight1, what condition is unfavorable to soak the foot to lose weightAfter the meal, or the body is in a state of hunger, are unfavorable to soak the foot to lose weight.

After the meal, the stomach to digestion and absorption of food, most of the blood in the body will focus on the stomach. And hot bubble foot, will disperse the amount of blood in the stomach, not only will cause indigestion, and easy to induce gastric diseases in the long term. The body also is in a state of hunger, the blood sugar will decline. To soak the foot to lose weight is to use small bust temperature hot water temperature to improve the human body, promote blood circulation, rapid human body fat burning. And low blood sugar, to speed up the energy in the body to digest, easy to aggravate the hands and feet fatigue, cause dizziness and even fainted.2, how to soak the foot to lose weightTo lose lower-body fat effectively, with thin straight leg, soak the foot to lose weight when the water level is higher than the best calf leg on the abdomen area. In addition, the water temperature of bubble foot needs to control well, generally in 30 to 43 degrees Celsius is preferred. And each time the bubble foot time, should be controlled between 30 to 45 minutes. Pay special attention to is that the bubble foot can't suddenly take the calf sink into hot water. Accurate method is to put the leg in the water, slowly let crus place skin slowly to adapt to temperature, avoid suffer from the sudden high temperature stimulation.3, when appropriate to soak the foot to lose weightWithin a year, in fact, women in the spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons with hot bubble foot, is beneficial to health, so hot bubble foot weight loss not only to apply only in autumn and winter.

And throughout the day, in the morning or before sleeping, time is more appropriate to soak the foot to lose weight. Soak the foot in the morning to lose weight will help dispel the evening sleep intrusion into the body cold, in the process of weight loss and sleeping bubble foot, has the effect of hypnosis, help sleep, improve sleep quality.Second, how to soak the foot to lose weightHerbs: safflower 5 g, 5 g, radix stemonae wood 5 g, live with 5 g, 4 g, gardenia tougucao 4 g, 3 g, asarum clematis root 3 gNecessary tools: automatic foot bath a (preferably a deep bucket, bubble with calf), waste silk stockings is more than double (if it is take charge of foot bath not), a soft towel.1, in the plastic bucket to inject 15-20 cm deep water, the water temperature with 41-42 degrees Celsius advisable, can best use temperature measuring a quantity, or it will be subject to the temperature of the bath, and then add essential oils or bath salts.2, sitting in a comfortable chair, feet in a bucket, basic soaking time was 10 to 20 minutes.3, when the water temperature gradually becomes cold, add thermos of hot water slowly into the bucket, continue to soak the foot. Don't get hot water scald.After 4, bubble, dry feet, put socks to keep warm, if put on foot care cream, can also give your feet a beauty oh. Finally to drink warm water, at the same time, promote metabolism.5, 1-4 steps, conditional word can be repeated 1-3 times a day, the effect is improved.Under normal circumstances, a women to soak the foot can also achieve health care efficacy to lose weight. But for people with conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, beriberi, low blood pressure, it is unfavorable to soak the foot to lose weight. In addition, some person in autumn winter season and feet frozen would happen, feet frozen feet muscles, skin in a rigid state, not immediately feet with hot water, because the first with warm water preheating legs, relax the leg muscles, and then with hot bubble foot.

