The Main Cause Of Obesity
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The main cause of obesity

Believe that everyone is very attention to the cause of obesity, experts have noted that a lot of bad habits is a major cause of obesity, what specific look at together.What caused the obesity?1, caused by overeating. Sweet food, greasy food, fat throughout the trunk. Phenomenon: fat cells, but not in quantity.

2, adrenocortical function hyperfunction, excessive cortisol secretion. Phenomenon: the face, neck and body fat, but fat little limbs.3, the secretion of insulin, metabolic rate is reduced, reduce fat decomposition and synthesis. Phenomenon: body fat.4, cerebral obesity, accompanied by loss of sexual function, or loss of libido. Phenomenon: breast, lower abdomen, the genitals obesity.5, the pituitary lesion leads to the secretion of pituitary growth hormone. Phenomenon: the whole body bone, soft tissue, internal organs tissue hyperplasia and hypertrophy.6, hypothyroidism. Phenomenon: obesity and mucous edema.7, a side effect of drugs such as adrenal cortical hormone drugs. Phenomenon: obesity in medication after a period of time, such as some of the patients with allergic disease, rheumatism, asthma.8, patients with schizophrenia and patients with mental problems of obesity is more because of sex, dietary habits and eating too much is an important reason, introverted, quiet, insufficient physical activity and mental health, or the possibility of more serious obese people have more occur. Someone found 74% of obese patients eat more is that when the mood swings, rather than in psychological obstacle obesity is to eat less.9, constitutional obesity. Reason: congenital. The speed of metabolism in the body slowly, material synthesis is greater than the speed of the decomposition. Phenomenon: fat cells and more, all over the body.Through the above introduction,

I believe you have to understand the reason for the obesity. There are many ways to lose weight but must not to damage your health, otherwise it thed loss outweights the gain.

