Walk: Way To Lose Weight
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Walk: way to lose weight

Everyone thought go belong to aerobic exercise, can only achieve the result of thin body. In fact, as long as through different walk fast, also can achieve the result of thin local oh! Below share thin abdomen moves quickly to you, let you walk can thin abdomen! Walk 45 minutes of fast walking method reducing weight can reduce the belly (click on the image to the next page) "Brisk walking is a good exercise", in addition to increasing cardiopulmonary function and burn calories to lose weight, as long as pay attention to walk, also can sculpture curves! 

If walking is sometimes painful it might be a problem of heel spurs. You can get heel spur inserts to make sure this is not an issue.

Today to share with you how to through the simple "walking", achieve the effect of thin abdomen, lower body and upper body thin thin! Before for parts don't strengthen, must first know the basic code of a fast walk, this can increase the exercise for muscle, achieve the result of get twice the result with half the effort, enhance the basal metabolic rate. Walk 45 minutes of fast walking method reducing weight can reduce the belly Brisk walking five basic rules Demonstrated 1. Hard, pelvis maintain positive position, back straight stretch as far as possible. Does abdomen place about 7 cm below the belly button, inside the middle of the abdomen and back 2. Walk begin a larger than usual (about 2 ~ 3) 3. Keep the 6 km/h speed (forward 100 meters per minute) 4. Keep the speed of 4, elbows bent 90 degrees, feel back muscles are touched, collocation of fast walking speed of swinging arm 5. In the process of fast walking with subsequent introduction squatting bend and stretch, three times a week, almost twenty minutes to 1 hour at a time Go thin abdomen method (45 minutes) Thin abdomen faster way to pay attention to is the focus of the abdomen breathing and muscle movement, it can stimulate hormones that break down fat fat burning effect!


Step 1 abdomen breathing + abdominal muscles (5 minutes) Abdomen breathing 1. Your legs open and shoulder are the same as wide, both hands on the abdomen, abdominal change! 2. Breathe in through your nose, feel abdomen gradually up! 3. Exhale slowly with the mouth, with 20 seconds of relief finish vomit! Does repeat abdomen breathing several times Does consciousness in the process of fast walking demonstrated keep breathing By thin abdomen wall motion 1. The back scoops, back, hips, calf, heel stand close to the wall, focus on physical center, shoulders relaxed, with his hands in the middle of the waist and wall. Where demonstrated to keep breathing! 2. The abdominal pressure, press hard to stomach, like pushing back hard like a wall, hold this position for five seconds! The pelvis upright forward, repeat 5-10 times! Step 2 thin abdomen moves quickly (30 minutes) Basic moves quickly: Note only "took his step speed walk", and then pay attention to the article mentioned at the beginning of five basic rules can! Habits, can be in the process of fast walking to join the following two advanced applications. A. leg movements 1. In walking on the way, to lift one foot, and tuck keep in three seconds. Raise the leg forward step, move on! Does the foot lift, body don't forward, back to straight! This action can exercise abdominal and pelvic muscles! B. X games 1. Walking on the way, in breathes out, met the right knee lift left elbow, keep three seconds, and then return to normal position 4-5 steps forward! 2. Next is the use of the right hand to touch his left knee, keep three seconds, and then return to normal position 4-5 steps forward! Does feel a side action to compare difficulty, said the balance of the body is bad. Find difficult side do 4 to 5 times more, to adjust the balance of the body's muscles!

