To Find The Root Cause Fat 6 Dump Potbelly
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To find the root cause fat 6 dump potbelly

Sitting for a long time, dietary factors can cause excess fat accumulation, accumulate over a long period led to the emergence of belly fat. Want to lose belly fat six tips, starting from the root cause, solve the problem of belly fat.

Tip 1, reduce the carbonated beverages and artificial sweeteners to measure Must have a lot of people know the disadvantages of coke drink many, such as acid increased, the weight gain. Carbonated beverage containing gas, carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide will stimulate gastric secretion, gastric acidity is easy to feel abdominal distension, reduce appetite, and reduce the feeding diet. But this will cause the burden of the abdomen, accumulation of gas in the stomach for a long time will prevent adipose decompose, the accumulation of fat in the abdomen, lead to serious result is that the "belly" bucket. And drink carbonic acid beverage, anorexia, if inadequate nutrient intake in the diet will affect the normal growth and development, learning, performance, performance and physical health, causing malnutrition. 

2, restrictions, difficult to digest starch and sugar containing complex fruit and vegetables Potatoes, cabbage, lentils, broccoli, bananas, and raisins, and so on the sugar content of food is very high, and these complex sugar is not easy to break down, will be accumulated for a long time in abdomen, cause abdominal distension. It's very detrimental to keep slim waist, so please try to avoid this kind of fruit and vegetables.

Tip 3, not to get lured into wheat and dairy products, like cheese Do a lot of people are very keen on wheat in front of the class and high starch and high-fat foods such as cheese, because this kind of food is easy to make delicious baked goods to stimulate your taste buds. As version, how can you miss out on any food? But for your waist, please stay away from this kind of food, otherwise the consequence is very serious. High concentration and difficult to digest dairy products, such as cheese, poor appetite also easy to burp abdominal distension, so maintenance of stomach is very bad.

Secret 4, eat more nuts food especially almonds Eat nuts need to chew slowly, slowly eat too thin is not only the method of preserve one's health is also a good way to lose weight. Eating nuts can reduce blood fat, also can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes for the women. In many nuts, the stomach to lose weight is best is almond, almond has a certain quantity of runchang purge function. At the same time can reduce blood sugar and blood fat, and almond can reduce the stomach to the absorption of fat, so that the belly fat not hoarding, achieve a good result reducing weight.

Tips 5, try probiotic foods Contains probiotic foods is very common in modern life. The most common is sour milk and yogurt products are rich in probiotics, probiotics have what advantage? Probiotics can increase the intestinal normal flora, promote digestion and increase immunity. So much drink probiotic yogurt can accelerate the fat burning, promote calorie consumption. Want to keep the abdomen slender, so to speed up the metabolism, reduce fat accumulation is crucial.

Secret 6, join in their daily lives without gluten and dietary lactose Probably no gluten diet, very strange for you. In fact do without gluten diet is very convenient, can be in daily life. Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye, barley and oat dough its tough, elastic properties. Without gluten diet is to avoid this kind of food, because some people intestines and stomach will be sensitive to "gluten". Most cereals, pasta, cereals and processed foods to avoid, especially a lot of gluten from processed food additives, preservatives and stabilizer. So choose no gluten food is a good diet to lose weight, because processed foods contain chemicals not only conducive to lose weight, and some are general food containing high salt is unfavorable to lose weight.  Diet is the best light, natural ingredients are better. As for dairy-free foods are better understood, sugar has always been the enemy, especially the lactose is not only rich in sugar and fat is more conducive to lose weight. So try these two kinds of food for the stomach to lose weight, get rid of the fat, can get twice the result with half the effort.
