Four Thin Leg Techniques
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Four thin leg techniques

Slender slim beautiful leg is every woman's dream, but because of the sedentary office, the cause of poor blood circulation, makes many white-collar women have legs edema. How to eliminate the leg edema? Today, small make up for you, the author analyzes the reasons of the leg edema, teach you don't need to spend too much time can easily thin leg.

Q: why do I not fat but very thick leg? A: I'm afraid that is the problem of A lot of girls, most of the leg thick and edema is concerned, lower body edema is common in Asian, and blood circulation is bad is easy to cause edema and its representation is crus coarse. Q: how to judge whether the crus coarse because of edema caused by? A: edema caused by A small thick legs in the morning will be fine, but after noon or afternoon swell coarsens. In the afternoon, you can also quickly press the calf with the hand, when the muscle recovery speed, speed is faster than edema, slow belong to edema.

Q: how to eliminate edema? A: small thick legs edema caused by using ordinary sports or go on A diet is not have any effect, eliminate edema on food at ordinary times best physique, cooperate with the local massage to eliminate edema of the leg. The method of eliminate edema: Soak the foot edema elimination: Soak the foot edema. Use warm water and osmotic pressure principle, bubble foot 5 ~ 10 minutes, immediately the question of improving the leg edema! Methods: the water bubble feet, can add a little rice wine, salt or natural ginger juice, can help the blood circulation, metabolism of excess water body! Handstand anti-dropsy: Handstand to lower limb blood flow, promote the blood circulation, lower body to eliminate edema also to have certain effect, but must insist on more than half an hour every day! Diet eliminate dropsy: To eliminate body dropsy, can start from the diet to maintain water balance in the body, a balanced diet is the most important thing. Excessive sodium intake can make water retention in the body, thus appeared bloated phenomenon. So to maintain moisture balance, you must will be excess water out of the body, eat the food to strengthen water circulation can help reduce the swelling. In addition, to reduce the daily food intake body easy cold, cold drinks, or increase the stomach burden of food, so for easy to exhaustion of intestines and stomach, make water retention in the body. In addition, dealing with edema, moderate or balancing has diuretic effect of food intake. And to make the stomach to get rest, evening also should reduce to eat, try not to eat food taken late at night, in order to reduce a large number of water intake. 1, disappear fat white gourd soup Material: white gourd 1 catty four two, two pieces of dried tangerine peel, kelp, papaya half jins, dash of salt. Practice: A. will wax gourd peel wash, kelp soaking to cut off the standby. B. together with the dried tangerine or orange peel and papaya into the pot, add eight bowl of water, boil for about 2 hours, season with salt to taste and serve. Efficacy: can good heat removal, eliminate fat and cholesterol, weight loss effect is obvious. 2, dried shrimp, winter melon soup Material: white gourd, dried shrimp, fans, laver, salt and pepper. Practice: A. will remove the pulp, wax gourd peel dried shrimp soaked, dried shrimp, seaweed, together with the wax gourd water in the pan, add fans, after the fire boil, turn to A simmer for about 5 minutes until cooked. B. to salt, a little vinegar, chicken essence, sesame oil can. Efficacy: this soup can clear heat send fire, remove grease, recuperate intestines and stomach, row poison to raise colour.
