Competency Mapping Is Imperious
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Competency mapping is imperious

It is important to know ones skills in order to prosper and augment in your career. To know where we lack behind or the strengths that we posses, is essential to map our career and is characterized by competency mapping.

Competency mapping involves devoting immense amount of time and money to enhance the performance. Because of the high expense incurred, numerous companies do not adopt this development plan. Competency mapping puts the right person at the right job hence it’s a requirement that every company should fulfill.

Competency mapping also actuates the level of intelligence that the employee possesses and exhibits. Knowledge and experience are the two vital ingredients to aggrandize in life. Along with knowledge, the emotional quotient that an employee bears is also determined. An employee may have the talent but may not have the will to perceive it further. Thus the appetite to grow is also cardinal.

Understanding your strengths and weakness gives you a ladder to align your career and meet the expectations your employer wants to seek from you. This makes the recruitment procedure accessible.

Competency mapping is helpful for the employee and the employer. The employer can enumerate what characteristic needs to be directed and how to imbibe those characters. Once this task is done, then it becomes easier to achieve progression.

The competency mapping procedure can vary from company to company depending on the process and helps in achieving transparency throughout.

-Arti Bakshi

Human Resource- A Magazine for the Discerning Professional
