Welcoming A New Employee
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Welcoming a new employee

A new employee is someone who needs more attention than the other experienced employees. The term ‘handle with care’ suits them perfectly. They rely on their senior for any kind of advice or instruction. The contemporary role needs to be imbibed into their minds through orientation and training.

The orientation process integrates the employee with the organization and gives him/her a gist of their role. It answers the numerous questions that every new employee is surrounded with. What would be their daily work? How to satiate the needs of their seniors? What should be their goals? These questions highlight their job profile and the orientation teaches them all this.

The orientation can be tiring as well as boring if not designed in a particular fashion. Implementations of new teaching methods that are not monotonous and long help gain the employee’s attention without causing deviation. An employee may not be able to absorb many things at a time hence frequent breaks needs to be installed in order to avoid confusion.

The new employee requires a certain amount of time to understand the whole process and the tendency to make mistakes is at the peak at the start of their career. Hence the seniors need to be patient with them even if they feel that the employee is demanding. They are bound to make errors but slowly they learn to cope up with situations.

Anxiety is a trait that comes along with the first step. To maintain tranquility, a senior should always be present to answer the juniors query and motivate them to perform vigorously. Unless the employee knows what is expected of him, he would not be able to deliver. The goals should be anchored and a progress report should be drafted to make them understand where they are heading towards. Clear demarcation of roles and expectations is a requirement that needs to be fulfilled.

Every employee needs some extra time to interact with the co-employees, to have a light chat and a little amount of fun. Apart from mentoring the employee, it is also important to give them their own space.

Every new employee is keen to know what lies ahead of him. They are more energetic than the senior officials and have the will to contribute immensely. If they are taken towards the right path and once they know their work well the productivity of the company will definitely be enhanced.

-Arti Bakshi

Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional

