Why Not Co-Work?
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Why not Co-work?

Co-working is a unique concept that brings together like minded people who lack office space, run their solo business or are frequent travelers. An office like atmosphere is created and it is well equipped with all the amenities that are mandatory to work swiftly.

When working from home you face botheration and you are not able to concentrate. Also it can get lonesome after a while. Co-working thus can act a savior to these problems. An ambiance that gives you the feel of an office and at the same time you are accompanied by creative and social people with whom you can interact.

A co-working space is filled with creative energy and you can meet people from different walks of life. The synergy of ideas and knowledge can be beneficial for every participating individual. At the same time you get updates on factual news and advances in various fields.

You can avoid interruptions since every individual would be concerned with their own work and at the same time you can mesh with others, increase your erudite and at the same time get your work done.

Before enrolling into these offices, it is better if you have little knowledge of the people involved in it. If you are given a desk next to a person whose work involves having telephonic conversations all day, then your work will have to suffer. The other deprivation is that you would have to face unwanted interruptions from annoying co-workers.

If you are a habitual traveler and are looking for a space to work for some days, co-working is the right option for you. You might come across familiar faces every time you frequent that particular city without being a stranger in an unknown place.

Please help me with your insights on this topic as I would like to know more about it and how it works in India?

Arti Bakshi

"Human Resource- A Magazine For The Discerning Professional

