The Basic Gardening Tips And Tricks
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The basic gardening tips and tricks

Planting vegetables and flowers in the garden, and seeing them grow is a wonderful hobby to spend spare time. Whatever effort you have put in caring them is reflected in the plants, either they develop healthy leaves, or they will appear withered and dying. Even if you are a newbie or do not have a green thumb, then also you can grow and nurture plants with simple gardening tips and techniques. 

Gardening Tips and Tricks

Growing or nurturing plants is not only a part of hobby for some health conscious people, but it also provides nutritious, pesticide free herbs and vegetables. Yes, by adopting organic gardening tips, you can take a step ahead towards healthy and chemical free life. The important aspects pertaining to gardening for dummies, which will help you in growing healthy plants are discussed below. 

Plant Growth Requirements
Maintaining plants is not difficult at all, provided that you learn the necessary factors for their growth. Right from the weeds in your backyard to large trees, they need a support media (except for hydroponic gardening), essential plant nutrients (16 elements), water and light. In addition, temperature, humidity and other climatic factors should be favorable for growth of plants.

Garden Soil or Containers
Decide whether you want to start your gardening venture in pots or garden soil. If you have a backyard, it will serve an ideal spot to start a vegetable or flower garden. The ideal planting sites are those that receive some amount of sunlight during daytime, and are less prone to strong winds. When it comes to container gardening tips, the pot dimension should be suitable for your selected cultivar. 

Prepare Growth Medium
Growing lustrous green plants, healthy roots and inducing maximum blooms depend largely on the fertility of the growing medium. It is through soil that plants absorb nutrients and water for survival. As per your plan, prepare the growth medium for plants, i.e. potting mixture or garden soil. You can mix organic compost, peat moss or other components. The resulting soil type should be fertile, well-drained and free of disease causing parasites. 

Options for Plant Variety
Whether you are looking forward to start a herb garden, flower garden, or vegetable garden, the step for selection of varieties is a crucial one. This is because of the difference in care level of varied plants. In addition to the basic growth requirements, some vegetables, flowers, herbs, shrubs, etc., need special attention for optimal growth, blooming and/or bearing of fruits. As a beginner, opt for hardy cultivar that perform in a wide range of growth conditions. 

Watering the Plants
The water requirement for cultivated plants and flowers differ according to species. Some varieties can tolerate dry condition, while others are very sensitive to water stress. A simple logic is water them, when the top soil part becomes dry. At any point of time, avoid over watering, or it will cause water logging and decaying of roots. For indoor gardening, place a tray below the pots to collect excess water.

Light Intensity
Sunlight is a basic necessity for every plant to develop leaves, flowers and fruits. After all, plants manufacture foods on their own with the help of sunlight. While providing optimal light is possible for outdoor plants, installing artificial light system may be a consideration for houseplants. Whenever you have time, you can keep indoor plants in sunlit areas for exposing them to sunlight. 

Temperature Range
Fluctuating temperature is not a concern for potted plants, as you can bring them indoors anytime. Most of the outdoor plants cannot withstand extreme cold temperature or snowfall. Eventually, you can expect bare trees and dying plants. To avoid such a dull looking garden, implement gardening tips for fall and grow cold resistant plant types. What about implementing fall gardening tips and growing a fall flower garden to add a winter interest for your landscape. 

Providing Nutrients to Plants
Supplementing the growing media with nutrients is another tip for maintaining healthy plants. The type of fertilizer and frequency or application may vary from one variety to another. If possible, use only farmyard compost and eco-friendly fertilizers for your plants. Fertilizing with chemical based products is strictly not recommended for organic gardening, wherein you can use only organic based formulations. 

Other Gardening Tips
Speaking about the problems faced by first time plant growers, they include growth of weeds, pest attacks and disease infestations. In presence of invading weeds (particularly in outdoor gardens), your plants will compete for water and nutrients, thus putting them in stress. A practical method for effective weed control is uprooting unwanted plants. Likewise, you should be watchful to detect diseases and pests. In serious cases, follow pest control techniques to keep the pest population under control. 

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