Growing Indoor Greenhouse Gardens
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Growing Indoor Greenhouse Gardens

Why is it a good idea to grow an indoor garden?

1. For starters, you can grow flowers and vegetables at any time of the year and are not limited by any growing season.

2. You can even put crops on a rotating cycle indoors or in a greenhouse, so you can have fresh produce at any time of the year.

3. There are also many benefits of having an indoor garden. It is protected from the weather, harmful insects, and wild animals that snack on your food.

4. When you grow food yourself, not only do you get the benefit of the freshest food, but it is still packed with vitamins and minerals your body needs.

5. These degrade as vegetables get older, even by a few days, their nutrition loss can make them half that of eating something that has just been picked.

You also know exactly what has gone into the growing of indoor gardens, and don't have to worry about insecticides and other harmful toxins in the produce you buy.

This is important, especially today, when all kinds of artificial substances are added to food to make it last longer, 'taste' better, and to add color. The problem even with so called 'organic' produce, you still don't know what it has been exposed to, and buying organically grown produce is higher than just the regular products offered.

Indoor gardening can also be a good way to make sure your vegetables and plants are healthy and strong before you put them outside.

For planting seeds, growing indoors keeps seed eating birds from devouring your crops before they even have a chance, and for seedlings, it provides them with a safe and warm environment in which to thrive.

You also know what is in your soil, and growing indoors can also prevent many weeds from getting into your garden and choking the life out of your plants.

There are some tips to help you with your indoor gardening, and one of them is to plant your garden in an area where there is enough full sun for at least six hours.

1. You plants will like to turn towards the sun, so be sure to rotate them so the stalks will grow straight and strong.

2. You can tell if your plants aren't getting enough sun because they will have spindly stems, smaller leaves, and the color will be lighter than the same plants that have more direct sunlight.

3. You can use a fluorescent lighting systems to help provide more light, or even move them outside on warm days.

There are many different kinds of indoor gardens, and these are not just limited to being in a residence, but also can be found in indoor greenhouses as well. They can be as simple as a window herb garden, each plant in it's own pot, or can be as large as some outdoor gardens. 

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