Recharge Yourself
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Recharge Yourself

Sorry long time no blog from me friends.

I was in a very interesting process. Some of my friends asked me how do you maintain your energy from morning till night. How do you be so enthusiastic all the time? Whenever we see you... you are smiling and full of energy and enthusiasm - what's the secret? How do you recharge yourself throughout the day? Are there some exercises or do you take some pilles?

I was literally thinking what's the secret? I and one of my friend started discussing about how can we help people to maintain their energy and enthusiasm through out the day. And in this discussion a question came to my mind - WHY DO WE NEED TO KEEP ENERGIZE OURSELVES? or WHY DO WE NEED TO RECHARGE OURSELVES?

We came out with atleast 21 reasons why do we need to recharge ourselves:

1. Solve Problems
2. Overcome Stress
3. Remove Tension
4. Generate New Ideas
5. Change Habits
6. Improve Working Styles
7. Resolve Conflict
8. Balance Work & Home Relationship
9. Move towards a Healthy, Strong & Fit Body/Mind
10. Attune with Higher Power
11. Maintain Freshness & Enthusiam
12. Display Efficiency
13. Bring Peace, Patience & Persistance
14. Create Impact of your presence
15. Wherever you go Inspire Self and Others
16. Bridge the gap between Where you are now and where
you want to be
17. Express Yourself Positively & Powerfully
18. Nurture Future
19. Empower your thoughts
20. Raise your passion for working
21. Live Gracefully

Whether you are an employee of any organization or you are an employer I can list out atleast 4 benefits:

Benefits to Employer:
1. Quality improvement
2. Target/Goal Achievement
3. Powerful Team
4. Productivity Improvement

Benefits to Employee:
1. Work Enjoyment
2. Harmonious Teamwork
3. Professional Growth
4. Optimized Performance

These benefits can be optimized by a 3 hours practicum. The question is will it make a difference in your personal and professional life if you learn how to maintain the energy and enthusiasm from morning till evening?

If your answer is yes then you are elegible for this 3 hours practicum. Here you will learn methods, techniques and processes to support your physical, mental, emotional, vital, intellectual and spiritual being to build up and maintain its energy and enthusiasm. You may be employer or an employee yet you can increase your efficiency by discovering processes & tools that can help you to:
LEARN new set of skills
UNLEARN narrow biases and
RELEARN vanished wisdom

The padagogy for self rechargning process includes:
1. Beta-MI System Exposure: Beta (Brain Wave) is awareness state of conscious mind. Learning is highly conscious during this stage with usage of multiple intelligences.

2. Alpha-Synergetic Games: Alpha (Brain Wave) is trans state of conscious and sub-conscious mind. Learning is highly concentrated and acclerated.

3. Meta-Cognitive Experiences: Meta (Brain Wave) is vitnessing stage of conscious and sub-conscious mind. Learning is organized.

4. Quanta-Musical Exercises: Quanta (Brain Wave) is omnipresent state of conscious and sub-conscious mind. Learning is expressed.

5. Penta-Elements Processes: Penta (Brain Wave) is corelated with five elements, senses and organs of natural structure. Learning is lived.

So let me repeat my question will it make a difference in your personal and professional life if you learn how to maintain the energy and enthusiasm from morning till evening?

If your answer is yes feel free to contact me...