Four Things Tell Us Why We Need Firefox 7
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Four things tell us why we need Firefox 7

Talk about web browser market, Microsoft's Internet Explorer that IE is still a well-deserved first, but on the whole IE browser has obviously decadent trend. The exclusion Microsoft IE, the mainly products of web browser market of course are Mozilla's Firefox and Google's Chrome Series family, the recent reality is that the rapid rise of Google Chrome, and the status of Firefox has been a threat. What should we do if we want to share the interesting videos and music and any other files with friends on a PC? iPad to PC transfer is the best choice for iPad fans to do that.

Mozilla Firefox 7 today officially released, this update feature virtually no improvement, Mozilla will all focus on the performance, so the new version's performance is very exciting. Lifehacker first announced the results of new browsers including Firefox 7, but from the fact that it seems, Firefox is still not as good as Opera and Chrome, but most data is stronger than IE9. It is obvious that ipad to mac transfer free is specially designed for Mac users.

In general, the main advantages of Google Chrome browser are the fast updated version and ever-increasing use experience, of course, we can accelerate the speed of web pages that Chrome's worth recognition. All in all, under the challenge of speed on Google, Mozilla's Firefox browser status line has been precarious, so Mozilla Firefox has also been decided to enable the Firefox browser, the latest series of rate strategy, the current Firefox update rate equally astounding, even more than Chrome browser. From Firefox 5.0 to Firefox 6.0, and then the subsequent release of Firefox 7.0 Beta version, and now the official version of Firefox 7.0 has been released.

In the meantime, there are plenty of reasons to make the switch to this newest version, which is now available as a free download. Many of them, in fact, boil down to one key thing: faster speed.

1. Add-On Compatibility

When Firefox 6 launched, 97 percent of add-ons compatible with Firefox 5 were still compatible with version 6, according to Mozilla add-ons product manager Justin Scott, who wrote a blog post yesterday on the topic. Not only that, but “we’re on track to launch Firefox 7 tomorrow with 99 percent compatibility from 6,” Scott added. With Firefox 8, which will reach beta later this week, compatibility issues should improve even more, he wrote.

Add-on users can also install Firefox's Add-On Compatibility Reporter to flag any problems with the software they use.

2. More Speed

New tools included in Firefox 7, meanwhile, are designed to make it easier for developers to build speedy Web experiences for users. A new version of hardware-accelerated Canvas, for instance, speeds up HTML5 animations and games in the browser, allowing developers to build more compelling and interactive Web experiences. Firefox now also supports the W3C navigation timing spec API so developers can measure page load time and website navigation against bandwidth speed, website traffic and other factors. This API allows developers to test user experiences remotely and easily so they can quickly optimize websites and Web apps for different types of users.

3. Free, as in Beer

Firefox is free in more ways than one. First and foremost is that it costs you nothing to install, use or upgrade--a winning feature by most accounts, though certainly not Firefox's only one.

4. Memory Management

Ever since Firefox 7 entered the Aurora channel back in July, its primary focus has been speedier performance and better use of memory, and that emphasis is apparent in the software released today. Firefox 7 manages memory more efficiently than its predecessors did, Mozilla says, for a speedier Web browsing experience. “Users will notice Firefox is faster at opening new tabs, clicking on menu items and buttons on websites,” the organization says. “Heavy Internet users will enjoy enhanced performance when lots of tabs are open and during long Web browsing sessions that last hours or even days.”

Firefox 7.0 officially released, we can see Firefox's performance of this new version has mainly improved and the functional aspects have not obvious changes. At this point, it is a good opportunity to test the browsers, LifeHacker select four Windows browsers and test on startup speed, label loading speed, JavaScript performance and memory footprint, the test results was quite unexpected. You may be have an iPad and iPhone, and now you want to know how to sync ipad to iphone for sharing some files. The iPad to iPhone Transfer can easily transfer files from iPad to iPhone without data lossing.
